Having a comprehensive golf yardage app like GolfLogix can make it easier to get distances to the pin, keep track of your game, and even read greens. However, some golfers lose sight of what the purpose of all of these features really is.

The purpose is to help lower your scores.

Let’s take a look at how golf yardage apps can lower your scores and increase your overall awareness of the game of golf.

7 Ways Golf Yardage Apps Can Lower Your Score

Here are the top 7 ways that playing with a golf yardage app like GolfLogix can lower your scores on the course.

You Can Trust Your Distance

Not only do you have a distance to the center of the green, but you also have measurements for the front and back of the green, hazards, and bunkers. This accurate data helps you choose the right club and pinpoint the target.

Course Management and Planning

A detailed golf course map will give you information about where to hit your shots to optimize performance. Course mapping and round planning can be done prior to getting to the golf course.

This type of pre-round preparation and planning helps you improve on course performance. Being prepared for a round makes all the difference.

Help with Green Reading

Even a perfectly struck putt won’t go in the hole if it’s not on the right line. With a golf yardage app that has green reading capability, you can analyze slope and get the ball started on the right line.

Not only does the green reading information help when you are putting, but it can also make all the difference in approach shots. Those 15-foot putts uphill for birdie are worth setting yourself up for.

Improve Scoring with Proper Layup Positions

Your layup shots on par 5s or even longer par 4s help get you into the proper position for scoring. Layups are not simply hitting the club; you can hit the furthest and try to get close to the green.

A golf yardage app can help you be more intentional about the yardages you choose. Set yourself up to hit your favorite wedge into the green or an iron shot that allows you a full and complete swing.

Avoid the Hazards

With a golf yardage app, you have all the tools you need to avoid the hazards. Penalty strokes are wasted shots, but with accurate distances to hazards and information about their location and position, you can now completely avoid them.

Avoiding hazards is not just about the proper aim and direction of the shot; it’s about proper distance.

Keeping The Pace of Play Moving

Having all the data you need to play a great round of golf in the palm of your hand will save you time on the course. There is no reason to pace off yardages, run to your cart to look at the scorecard, or even do addition and subtraction problems!

Golf yardage apps lower your scores because they allow you to play golf at a pace that is comfortable and keeps things moving along.

Faster play can help you keep your thoughts streamlined and focus on hitting one good shot after the next.

Weather Conditions and Elevation Changes

Many golf yardage apps give detailed information about slope and even weather conditions. If you are concerned about wind direction or wind strength, the real-time updates on golf yardage apps will help narrow down your concerns.

In addition, on golf courses where there are big changes in the slope, having slope technology enabled would save you from coming up short or hitting the ball too far on an approach.

Data Tracking and Analytics

Data tracking is essential. How do you know where your game needs to improve if you don’t even know where you struggle?

A comprehensive golf yardage app like GolfLogix also allows you to keep detailed stats and scoring information about your game. The more data you have to work with, the easier it is to track your progress and shoot lower scores.

Golfers with data have more streamlined practice sessions. The data gives you a clear outline of where you need to improve on your game.

Final Thoughts

Golf yardage apps can lower your scores because they improve all aspects of strategy and course management. Whether you have been choosing the wrong clubs, ignoring slope on the greens, or simply not paying enough attention to your trends, a golf yardage app will make all the difference.

GolfLogix is the most detailed and comprehensive golf yardage app on the market. Expect the data here to significantly improve your ability to score and to think like a professional when you are out on the course.